Friday, October 1, 2010

The Magic of a Mommy's Kiss

Remember as a kid you could fall down and bang your elbow or scrape your knee and no matter how bad it was, mom's kiss always made it better? The little things that you tend to forget as you grow up? Unless, that is, you're blessed to have a little one of your own running around. And even then, it takes a good year before it really sinks in and sends it home. Today was that day for me. Squeak was crawling around on the floor, and she had her toy in her hand and she slipped and popped her head on the floor. Nothing major but she immediately started crawling over to me. So of course, I pick her up, find the spot on her head and kiss it and tell her "All done, I kissed it and made it all better." She smiles, instantly stopping the tears and wants back down on the floor so she can keep playing. It's amazing. The magic is back, and now I'm the one that has it. Don't get me wrong, my mama's kiss is STILL magic to me! But now I have some of it that I can pass down, and hopefully Squeak will be able to pass it down herself.