Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wellness Check

Well, lets start with Christmas shall we? Yeah, this will explain why I haven't blogged in a bit. Christmas morning. I was all excited. Uncle G got up and got me and the baby out of the bed at seven in the morning. Yes thats right, seven A.M. Where is the coffee!?!?!? LoL! So getting back to our story here. Uncle D was asleep on the couch and as in true Giggles fashion (Yeah her new nickname is Giggles), she had to be with her Uncle G. And it's a good thing this time, because I took a header OVER the baby gate, head first into the laundry room door jamb. So my brother gets up off the couch asking me if there is anything he can do for me. My first reaction...Get my husband. Well he comes running out of the bedroom and down the hallway, sends the baby gate through the kitchen and is on the ground with me, picking me up and setting me in one of the kitchen chairs. Well I'm swimmy, but I decide that I'm gonna go ahead and enjoy Christmas, I was okay. I put a band-aid over the gash in my leg and go on. Well at around noon, I get in the shower to get ready to go to the in-laws and I get nauseated and my head starts hurting so I decide, I'd probably better go to the hospital. Well I get there, there's thankfully not like a million people, but I get in there, the doctor looks at my leg and low and behold, I had a mild concussion from the door jamb, and that little cut that I just threw a band-aid over, yeah FIVE STITCHES! Oh yes, you heard me right, five. Lemme tell ya, it hurt!

Well we got through with all of that, then my husband goes to work, gets a virus from a customers house (He's a tech for one of the cable companies around here), and he gets sick, goes in on his birthday and his boss carts him to the emergency room. He gets IV's run because of dehydration. So, I start feeling rough. on New Years Eve, and what happened? Yes, you guessed it. I was in the hospital on New Years Day, because of dehydration. And wait for it, because I'm not done yet! Just as we're leaving the hospital (Which by the way, good thing, they were able to take my stitches out right there), little girl starts getting sick, and I mean it goes everywhere. Thankfully we had medicine and she didn't get dehydrated.

So wow. Yeah. It's been more than nuts. Good note though, we got Giggles that baby can read program for Christmas. WOW! I'm way impressed with the way it works and how well. They have flash cards, a DVD and a book that you go through these words, like Arms Up, on and so forth. And it's got tough words too like Elephant and Tiger. So it's pretty amazing. And yes, we got her to the doctors on Monday for a Wellness Check. It was for her fifteen month check up, even though she was a lot closer to her sixteenth month. Well, her length is great for a premie in the 50th percentile, her head measurements are in the 28th percentile but her weight is in the less than one percentile. I'm a little freaked out about that. Her pediatrician said to keep doing what we've been trying to put the weight on her still and to keep trying to pack on the calories. She isn't too concerned with her weight because she's very active and she said that outside of the weight being low, she's completely healthy and developing really well. It still just freaks me out though!

Outside of that, she's doing amazingly. She walks everywhere and she's even to where she tries to run. She's all about her Uncle and her daddy when they get home and she rightly fits her new nickname. She doesn't so much hiccup any more all the time like she did, but she is always, always laughing and giggling at something. She's so beautiful. I don't know how I got so lucky.