Sunday, June 19, 2011

Growiin up

Well, little girl is doing so much now! She is all about lovin's now and when we go to bed at night I will tell her it's time for bed. She runs to the baby gate and gets ready to go. Then I have to tell her to give her daddy a hug and a kiss good-night and she turns, and gives this big old smile and runs, and I mean RUNS to her daddy, arms up and gives him a hug and kiss. She's been a lot more interested in trying to talk too here lately. She tries to start conversations even though we can't understand a word she's trying to say. LoL! But the fact is she's trying.

And I went to a friends house the other day, and she's gained a pound in the last month! She's still so little. Man. But she's gaining more than she was so I'm way happy about that! Woo woo! Aight well she's testing my patience at the moment so I will sign off, but tomorrow is her first speech therapy appointment so hopefully I will have something to report. :)