Friday, November 11, 2011

2 Year Wellness check

Well Squeak's 2 year check up was yesterday. She's doing great! She is now 32 and a quarter inches and 21.4 lbs. LoL! She's so damn little! LoL! But the doctor said for her ratio of weight gain, she's doing good. Of course, she wants her back in within the next 3 months for a weight check, but other than that, she's great! She unfortunately got a shot in the leg, her Hep A vaccine, but that's it until she's 3. Hoping she wont need to see her any more than that!

Anyway, short post I know it is! :) Holla!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wow...been slacking!!!

Okay so yes, and no on the slacking part. I've been sick as a dog lately and it's kinda hampered my writing as often as I'd like. I have had 3 sinus infections in a row and my doctors are positive now that it's my tonsils causing all of them and they may need to take them out soon. Ugh! But outside of that, things have been good.

Young'un keeps getting bigger and bigger and she imitates everything now. She says a lot more words now too, some with the signs at the same time. Like pretty and more and eat. She said cookie last night! It was so awesome! And she says kitty and blue is her new favorite word. It's so funny to be somewhere and she can spot a woman's shirt in the grocery store and just start calling out "Blue." "Blue." until someone acknowledges that we see what she's talking about and she did good by saying blue. LoL!

She's such a little person. It kills me how much she grows every day. She's going to be leggy when she gets older. She's gonna break hearts. Her daddy and I have been looking into a few things for her when it comes to school too. I really want to home school. He's worried that if we home school, her full potential will not be reached and he's wanting to see if we can enroll her in a magnet school. I'm just not sure about it. Any opinions on the matter?

Anyway, that's about all. Just growing and learning. Such a little big person. :)