Saturday, August 11, 2012


Little girl's had quite a few funny little moments as of late. But there's a couple of them that make me throw my head back. Moment one, the other day, while listening to Jack FM on my phone, Prince came on. And I can't think of the specific song at the moment, but I turn around while doing dishes, and Chance is break dancing. That's right. She's break dancing. To PRINCE! LMAO! I couldn't stop laughing I laughed so hard! I didn't know if I should have been laughing, or scared. I finally decided upon laughing.

Second funny moment, and you want to talk about her paying attention...The other night, she sees her daddy finish off his beer. No big deal, daddy doesn't drink a beer very often. Anyway, he finishes it off, she gets in the fridge, gets out a new one from the drawer in the fridge and gives it to her daddy. It was so cool.

She's grown so much lately! Its incredible to think in just over a month, she's going to be 3. Where does the time go?