Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mommy Moments

So I'm writing tonight to talk about the love from a mother to a child. And I don't just mean human mother to child either. Let me explain. A few weeks ago, a little kitty showed up on our doorstep. This little boy was alone, and it was wet since it had been raining, and the poor little guy just looked miserable. My brother in law had gone to the mailbox with my daughter, and on the way back, found him. So he brings him in and goes to the store.

Within half an hour, this little guy decides, I'm his person and that's that. Little did I know that meant I am now his bed, his bathtub, his venter and his feeder. LoL! Everyone in the house will feed/water if they see his bowls are empty, but if they're empty and no one notices, he will come and GET me.

So a couple of days later this second little black cat shows up on my porch. Looks almost identical to my little guy which by this point has been called Ducati. Yes, after the motorcycle. I didn't have any say so in that. But whatever. Not what I would have called him, in fact, most of the time I call him Snuggle Butt or Cat. Regardless, this other little kitty shows up and my husband is like "NO WAY! I already took in one cat I didn't want, the other one needs to just go on."

So we look at it, and it looks like it's maybe a next generation, like Ducati's brother or something. It was too small to be a parent. Well, push comes to shove, we started feeding the little girl because she was so thin, and after about a week, she literally grew. And she grew fast. She started filling out, she started looking better, her coat started shining and I soon realized, we didn't have sister. We had mama outside and baby inside. So, baby's still growing and thankfully mama is putting on weight, though still outside.

A few days after starting to feed her, I went out there and I resigned to petting her. Which, don't tell my husband I said this, but he'd been talking to and petting/holding her all along. He finally admitted it after the not wanting another cat comment. LoL! But see...I'd been resistant for so long because I am very easily attached to animals. I didn't want to get attached if she was just gonna move on. But she didn't. Over the next few days I started noticing her watching in the windows, and her head popping up as she watched in on her son.

So when I went outside to say hello, she got up in my lap after I sat down, put one paw on each shoulder as if to say thank you, and rubbed her face in mine, meowing a short appreciation. It was as if she knew, I had been deemed by him, his person, and she knew, I was taking care of him. And by damn she wanted me to know that she appreciated it.

What's the point to this story? I guess it's that (to quote my awesome neighbor), if a mama cat can stick around to keep an eye on her little boy, and know just by his smell on my clothes that he's being well taken care of, then why is it there are so many stories of crimes against babies in this world? I mean, I couldn't figure out why Satin wouldn't go. (Yes, I've decided to call her Satin at the suggestion of my brother in law's sister, no matter what he calls her. LoL! Her almost solid black fur, just like her son's, feels like satin.) But I couldn't figure out why she wouldn't leave. Now I know. Would I do that if it was my little girl? Hell yes! Now I realize that they are cats, we are not. But the fact of the matter is, point blank, a mothers love, never changes. It doesn't matter the species of mammal, a mothers love, a TRUE mother's love, will stay strong, regardless.

I guess that's about all I have for this entry. Will post more probably in the next couple of days. Three years ago today I was admitted into the hospital, not knowing that in six days, I would be giving birth to my little girl. Seems impossible.