Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dear Chance (Part 4)

Dear Chance,

It's been a while since I've done a letter to you on here so I figured I would go for it. :) You're three now. I can't believe it. I look back at pictures of the last year and I cant believe how much you've grown. You're finally 26 lbs now, finally having full on conversations and you're asking why a million times a day. Well let me clarify, you're not asking why, but you're asking because. I'll tell you to do something and you'll go "Because?" and I'll say "Because..." whatever reason. Then of course you'll ask me a million times before I finally just tell you "Because I said so." LoL!

You're drinking out of a big girl cup now and playing with everything you can get your hands on. Your favorite thing to watch on Netflix right now is Horseland, Curious George or Rainbow Bright and the Star Stealer. I've seen the movie at least sixteen times in the last week, and that's not an exaggeration. However, I just put Space Camp in the Play Station and you are really digging this movie. Especially Max. With any luck...I can get sick of this movie, which will take a LONG time.

You're talking more and more. And intelligible to boot! You definitely get your love of animals from me, and we're learning how to be nice to the animals in stead of being mean. We're starting speech therapy with the Elementary school around the corner here on Monday and hopefully that will work out for you as well as your other therapist did.

The other day you walked up to me, gave me the sign for I Love You and told me you wanted to talk to your Gramma. So we Skyped. Then a couple of days later, you pestered me for half an hour to talk to your Grampa. So we Skyped then too. LoL! It's awesome you differentiate between your Gramma and Grampa, and your Mimi and Papa. Gramma and Grampa are coming for Thanksgiving and you are so excited every time we talk about it, the other day you asked when you were gonna see them. It was awesome.

Well I guess that's about it for now. I'm going to get going so we can finish the movie. I love you darlin. I can't believe you're three already. Where does the time go?