Thursday, November 8, 2012

As of late...

Well it's been a while, once again. Sorry. No excuses. Lots happened. Most recently came the infamous scissor incident. Yes, every one of you with children knows where I'm going with this. She got a hold of some scissors and gave herself a haircut. Oh yeah. So I almost cried. her hair is down to the middle of her back and she chopped it off. This was three days ago.

Well last night, she's laying there in bed, and I think she's asleep. All of a sudden she breaks the silence. "Mommy, I'm sorry." I'm scratching my head, she's done nothing wrong that I know of in at least two hours. "Baby, what are you sorry for." In the most sincere voice, I hear "I cut my hair." I almost cried. I told her it was okay and she reached over and gave me a hug and kiss then laid down. I felt so humbled. Bless her heart after so long, she apologized. It immediately put me in mind of when I was younger.

When I was little, my family and I used to travel to see family between Tennessee and Michigan. It was a long drive that we made and it seemed to take forever. Well one year, we were on our way back and I'd left my wallet at a restaurant. And there was my ID, some money and some miniature dice that my cousin had given me, in this wallet. And I remember the dice were more important than anything, but I tell my dad. He was so mad that we had to turn around. (In reality he was just a little irritated, but to me, he was mad as the devil. Of course at eleven, you know things are so much worse than reality). So we drive all the way back to the restaurant (I can't remember how far), daddy runs inside and gets my wallet then comes back out. He was spittin mad. (Again, to the mind of an eleven year old). So we get back on the road, and in all my childhood wisdom after what seemed like an hour, I hand all the money in my little wallet to my mom and I tell her to give it to my dad, to pay for the gas that he spent turning around for my wallet.

She's growing up so fast, and at times, I can't stand it. I want to keep her young forever at times. She's getting so mature and she's barely three. She is all about helping with the cleaning be it dishes, sweeping, mopping. or cleaning. Such a big girl.