Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dear Chance (Part 5)

Yesterday, a great tragedy befell our country. A man walked into an elementary school and murdered twenty children and six adults. A senseless act that took the lives of little kids and for what reason, is still unknown. I look at you and I've hugged you a little tighter the last couple of days. Given a little more patience. Felt a little more grateful that you're here, pestering the crap out of me for more and more Dora. The more and more I see on the television, the more it solidifies the thought of home schooling. Even taking you to school for speech therapy isn't appealing to me. And I know that this isn't something that's going to happen in every school, or for other shootings, at every mall or movie theater. But the thought of you being unsafe, rattles me.

When I was younger, I was scared of having kids. I had a lot of reasons. Most of them were irrational, but some of them were founded. I worried about being able to keep you safe and it's turning out more and more that it's not ever going to be up to me. I can only do what I can, and the rest is in God's hands. I struggle with that sometimes as a mom. Like when you're sick. You're dealing with you first ear infection ever, and it's a double ear infection. You're on the bubble gum flavored Amoxicillin and you hate it. The first time I gave it to you I had to hold you down and force it. Now, you may give me a bit of protest, but you will take it on your own. The doctor told me the other day that you were one of the toughest kids she's ever met, and she's from California. She said that you have a double ear infection and still are managing to play and smile. She said she doesn't know any kids out there that can tolerate that much pain. LoL! You're a tough snot.

You're favorite thing to watch, has been Disney movies (Thank God), and Dora the Explorer. I could take or leave Dora, and maybe I'm just too literal with things in the show, but I'm with you on the Disney movies all day. You've really been talking more and more lately and just popping off with just random moments of attitude. Girl, your attitude is just ... you are ALL your daddy there. LoL! Now of course daddy would disagree there and tell you it's the other way around, but really it's not. LoL! Anyway little girl, it's your nap time and honestly, being sick myself, I am right there with you and we're fixin to go lay down. I love you little girl. You're my whole world.