Friday, July 19, 2013

First Horseback Ride

So I have this incredible neighbor, who has a couple of horses. We're going riding tomorrow (If all goes well), so tonight we were prepping the horses and the tack. Well Daddy was mowing the lawn, and Ga was asleep, so Bug came with me. Well Daddy made his way over after mowing and helped take care of her as we caught the horses and picked the hooves, getting ready for a ride tomorrow.

Well since Daddy was there, we popped her up on Joe (A Tn Walker) and she got to ride her first horse today. At 3 years old. I was so proud of the little fart I got it all on video and took pictures. She did so good! And Daddy did good too, not freaking out when she was up there. I'm such a proud Mommy!

Honestly, we've been going through a really rough time, including a funeral and some home sickness lately so I realize I haven't posted, but thankfully, a lot hasn't happened to require posting. So on that note...until next time! :)