Sunday, August 11, 2013

Visiting Gramma and Grampa

So Bug has been doing really good and even potty training all by her self (Forcing her wasn't working at all). It's been great. Well we've been rewarding her with "monies" which are little dollar bills made just for her out of green construction paper. So today, she's talking to her Mimi and tells her that we're going to visit Grandma and Grandpa soon.

So after she hangs up, all day I hear "I wanna go see Grandpa. I wanna go see Grandma." So finally I had to put a stop to it because we can't go until Daddy gets some time off work. It's kinda a long trip. So I finally tell her that Daddy doesn't have the money yet to go. That seems to placate her for a little while anyway.

So she gets "monies" for using the potty. And we've been really working on it, with big time monies rewards for pooping on the potty. Well today she did. So she collects all of her monies, brings it to me and says "There! Now Daddy has the monies to go to Grandma and Grandpas!" I was like AWE!!!, little tear of love comin down for my little girl. She's so cool.

Anyway, that's about all that's going on here. Nothing major. Talking more and more every day. She starts speech again soon so I'm excited to get going there. But that's about all for now. :) Until later...