Sunday, January 3, 2010

Secret Services?

So my dogs have recently been compared to the Secret Services. T-man is the little one that stands right next to my little girl and growls at you for coming too close while Symph is the big one in the back ground patiently waiting for you to make your move before she rips your skin off for thinking about touching her. The one you really need to be leery of. You know, the one with the finger on the trigger of the gun, that will give her life to protect and serve. It's a pretty amazing feeling with the both of them around her. I thought for a bit they would be jealous, but they are both the most protective dogs you will ever see. Symph went from puppy to protector the instant my daughter came through the door. And it's so funny, the first time I set her on the floor Symph was scared to death she was gonna hurt her. She looked at the bouncy chair and sat down. I had to tell her it was okay and so she reached in and sniffed. My daughter squeaked and she backs up and sits back down. Once she figured out that she wouldn't hurt her, she went into instant protect mode. So if you come to my out for the Secret Services. :-)

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