Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First Conversation

Well Chance, we had our first intelligible conversation tonight and you used words I didn't even know you knew and in the right context. It was great! I'd told you no, and you didn't listen. So then you threw a fit because I told you no again. So then it was the dramatic throw yourself in the floor type of fit. So then you want to play with your blocks. So you bring me the case. And here's where the conversation starts.

Me: Calm down first.
You: I'm done.
Me: You're done what?
You: Done crying. (Still crying)
Me: Then stop crying.
You: I can't.
Me: Yes you can.
You: (Takes a deep cry breath, lets it out) Okay.

This is so cool! I had to tell about it. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Update on Learning

Major changes, major funs and major irritations are afoot! Yes that's right. My daughter has passed her terrible twos and jumped right into the troublesome three's, four months early! I love her dearly and lord knows I'd lay down in front of a bus for her, but sometimes I'm ready to hang her by her toes in the top of the nearest trees. LoL! She is the typical two year old.

We've upped her speech therapy to two times a week as she still doesn't have many clear words, and even though she is talking more and actually making small sentences like "Come on Puppy." or "I love you too Daddy.", the words aren't clear to anyone who was around that hasn't listened to her. Most of her words are garbled or just her own language all together. And as much as I hate to admit it, potty training is spotty. She's so defiant and her own little person sometimes and it's impossible to fight something that doesn't budge. LoL! I'm sure I'll find a way around this, I usually do, but man, sometimes it doesn't feel that way.

She's still growing. She's 24 lbs now. She's still tiny though. Some of her outfits that she fits in still are still 6-9 month clothes. LoL! She's my tiny terror! LMAO! Damn proud of the little fart though. She is smart. The other day she was changing her puppies "diaper" and she opened it up and was like "Eew eew eew! Oh my gosh, puppy!" and shook her head. I absolutely rolled and so did her daddy. She's had a mean streak as of late, which yes, I know. I've heard it all. It's a developmental characteristic and though it's irritating and a major frustration, it's completely normal and a good thing. Argh! LoL! I've been to the pull my hair out point a few times in the last few weeks. And I'm positive that I'm going to look back on this one day and laugh myself to stitches about this, but ain't today. LoL!

She's doing good though! Eating isn't as much of a fight, though it is a slight one from time to time, and her teacher has dropped to coming twice a month for now since we've upped speech and it's good and bad at the same time. LoL! I've been very blessed with a great person of contact all the way around from her social worker with the state, to her teacher/occupational therapist to her speech therapist. She ages out when she turns three but then she can have an opportunity to continue with the local school system, should we choose.

I think one of her biggest issues right now is lack of social interaction. It's one of those suck worthy situations. Only one car seriously hinders the opportunity to get her out of the house and around other kids. So many things have made me stick to my thoughts of home schooling. The other day, on the news, an elementary school was on lock down because a first grader brought a gun to school. Really? A six year old child, had a gun in his backpack?

And recently she's discovered fear. She's suddenly scared of the vacuum cleaner, a thunder storm, the lawn mower, or anything loud. She's also just like me in the sense that she's very sensitive to sad parts in movies or sad songs. And she wont even know what she's crying about but she just bawls. And it's so hard not to laugh when she does it. Mainly because she has no clue what she's even crying for. I talked to my mom about it and low and behold, my daughter and I are a mirror image of me and my mom. LoL! I'm in so much trouble!

Well that's all for my book for now. I will bid you all a fond farewell until next time! Holla!