Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First Conversation

Well Chance, we had our first intelligible conversation tonight and you used words I didn't even know you knew and in the right context. It was great! I'd told you no, and you didn't listen. So then you threw a fit because I told you no again. So then it was the dramatic throw yourself in the floor type of fit. So then you want to play with your blocks. So you bring me the case. And here's where the conversation starts.

Me: Calm down first.
You: I'm done.
Me: You're done what?
You: Done crying. (Still crying)
Me: Then stop crying.
You: I can't.
Me: Yes you can.
You: (Takes a deep cry breath, lets it out) Okay.

This is so cool! I had to tell about it. :)

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