Monday, August 17, 2015

Dear Chance (Part 7)

Dear Chance,

Today is your first day of school ever. It's your first day of Kindergarten. Already you've made a name for yourself as you got Chicken Pox from your booster. You are a week late starting class and I feel bad that you're already behind. But it is what it is. You, begin the little unique person you are, not only caught the virus from the booster (Which only happens in 2% of cases world wide), but you caught the virus within 2 days of getting the booster, which is even rarer! Score one for mommy seeing as they science isn't there to definitively prove it yet, but genes have something to do with propensity to develop Chicken Pox and guess who got them twice when she was a little girl! Yep.

I'm not ready for you to be in school. There is a lot going on right now, your Mimi is very sick, and it's made me want you with me more and more. But you need this. I am trying to convince myself of this. I know it's good for you to be in school, you seem to love your teacher, and you even made a friend in Orientation so it's going to be neat to see how your friendship develops. I just miss you. One of those gotta let them grow up things, but I don't have to like it. :)

Anyway, this is going to be a short entry, I've got to get to your Mimi's and take care of her, but I'll be there to pick you up before you get off, baby. Mommy loves you. So so much. I hope you have a great first day at school.

Love Always,

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