Saturday, March 27, 2010

First Day Out

Well, Squeak got her first big day out yesterday. Me and daddy had some running to do so we made a day of it. I think her favorite part was Bass Pro Shops. Daddy has a big tournament and needed some fishing line. Well if you've ever been to one of the several BPS they have in the country, you know that most of them have a huge fish tank with monster fish in it. That amazed her. She woke up in time to see the aquarium and she LOVED it. There was a huge Channel Cat that was in the tank that was probably 10 times bigger than she is that could have swallowed her whole that she just stared at. And it was so funny because at first she didn't see it until it swam past her and then her eyes got big as saucers and that was all it took! LoL! It was so great. Then we went and visited her grandma and grandpa (Daddy's rents). I don't know how she took it. She wasn't real happy. But I think a lot of it is just because it was new to her. She was okay as long as mama and daddy were there. Bless her little heart. She's growing so much. It's the little things in life. And it was scary getting her out of the house for the first time, and I probably hovered over her the whole time we were at BPS but I'm entitled! I'm her mommy! LoL!

She has also foregone her nuk. She don't even care about it. Now...have thumb, will travel. And her blankie. She's got a blankie that her grandma (My mom) either knitted or crocheted, not sure which is which honestly, that she just loves it. It's got holes in it (just like mine did), and she loves to stick her fingers and toes through. It's so great. So my little girls motto for the moment..."Have blankie and thumb, will travel." LoL!

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