Sunday, April 4, 2010

First Easter

Well, my little girl has had quite a few firsts here recently. She's been trying different solid foods and her favorites seem to be peas and pears. She's started giggling recently as well. You can tickle her and really get her going and it's so funny. She had a good Easter for the most part. She's had a couple of bad parts. She's such a home body it's not funny. She does not like to be somewhere that is not home for too long. And she's okay as long as mama or daddy are holding her, but let one of us put her down, or someone else pick her up and she will unleash the wrath of baby on the room until she gets either mama or daddy back. She's fine once she calms down, but until that moment, you're going to feel the wrath. LoL! Other than that though, her first Easter went great and she was amazing in her little John Deere onsie that says "I Make Dirt Look Good". Her Easter dress was WAY too big still. Bless her little heart. Next year we'll be better prepared for the girl. No worries, she is still my beautiful little girl.

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