Monday, May 3, 2010


Man is she becoming more and more her own little person. It's amazing. She finally had her first tooth really pop through yesterday and today. After all the fighting of teething, her bottom right tooth is through! Eke! She's also sitting up and actually playing with her toys! It's so amazing to see how much she grows every day. I'm really thankful that I'm able to stay home with her. It's so great to know she's doing so good. The developmental people also called as well. They said that the tests that they ran showed that she is doing amazing. Her cognitive and motor skills are right where they need to be for a 6 month old even though she was technically 3 1/2 months at the time of the test due to her being 10 weeks early. That gets frustrating let me tell you. Because she was 10 weeks early, when the doctor looks at her development, she takes her actual age, minus 10 weeks, and that's her age. It's because that first 10 weeks of her life she was playing catch up from being born so early and developing what should have been developed in the womb. So that being said, I can't complain, because it means my little girl is ahead of the curve! I'm so proud of my little squeaky butt!

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