Thursday, May 27, 2010


She's getting bigger! I can hardly believe it. She's 14 lbs now and has both bottom teeth. My first Mother's Day was amazing as she and her daddy took me to a Ren Fest and I got a little ring that pulls apart into 4 separate rings but when together weaves into a beautiful dainty ring.

At times I don't see her growing, until I look at one of her old premie outfits, then I almost want to cry. Then I have to laugh when I think about how much like me she is sometimes. Not in looks! In looks she is ALL her daddy. But the little things there are that I've found. Like the fact that she loves sleeping on her stomach just like me. She loves to sleep in, just like me. She smiles all the time. Well I'm not that good all the time, but I'm sure I was when I was a baby. And she loves to just ramble on even though what she is saying makes no sense to anyone but her, just like me. LoL!

She's come so far. I was going through old pictures and I can't imagine life without her. I remember the nights when she was up at the hospital, waiting to grow so she could come home, and I would cry myself to sleep praying that she made it through the night. Now I watch her sleep and cant help but just be so thankful for the fact that only is she home, she's doing amazing, and little as she is, she's so advanced. She is small but mighty. She laughs and giggles all the time now and she is so animated. Even the teacher that comes out to see her made that comment yesterday. That for her age, she's very animated. She's my little girl. I'm so proud to be a mommy. I couldn't imagine life without her.

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