Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Figuring things out

Well, little girl has figured out how to use a brush. Well, she's gotten the main concept of it anyway. She was setting there today and she picked up her brush and tried brush her uncle's hair. Or well, his head anyway. LoL! It's amazing to watch what she learns on a daily basis. What she picks up and puts to use...amazing.

Monday, June 28, 2010

9 Month Check Up

Well, little girls check up didn't go too well. She's growing in length just fine, in fact in length she jumped from the 10th percentile to the 33rd percentile. However in weight, she's actually lost weight. The doctor said it's very likely that it's because she is more active and she told me to actually start feeding her more than normal if she'll take it. She said that it does concern her in the fact that it has took her from the 10th percentile in the premie category to the 5th percentile and we need to get it back up as quickly as we can. I feel just beside myself with worry. I'm going to do everything I can to get her back to where she needs to be. And it's admittedly a bit worse knowing that the doctor is a little worried herself. But she's confident that the increase in calories will do the trick. I just hope she's right.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Killer Whales

So I have a love of Orca's. Well the other night while looking for a ringtone for my aunt, I stumbled across a ringtone that is killer whales singing. So I downloaded it. I put it for my text. Well the other day, I got a text and it went off and my daughter started mocking the whale song. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. When she's in a good mood and the phone goes off she will mock the song. She makes the same squealing sound. Ahh, what I'm doing to my child. LoL!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Being a mommy

I love being a mom. I was so scared when I first thought of it, but I just, I love it. Sometimes its the most stressful thing in the world, but others it's bliss. Making her smile is the best thing in the whole world. I love making her smile, or giggle and laugh. It's all so worth it! Ahh. Life is good!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baby Monitor

So just a little funny story. My husband took the Squeak back to the bedroom to put her in her room and we were gonna watch a movie. So I go ahead and get the monitor and turn it on. Well I'm waiting and waiting for my husband to come back and I notice all of the little red dots move all the way up, then all they way back down. All the way up, then all they way down. Looked like an equalizer on a radio. So I turn up the volume and I laugh my butt off hearing that it's my husband, snoring. LoL! Good times. Good times.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well, little girl has had her bottom teeth come in and it has been hell on the tyke. Well last night she was just crying, and we thought it was her ears. Well took her into the doctor today and all four top teeth are coming in at once! Poor thing! That's why she was having so much trouble with sleeping. She has NOT slept well at all in the last few days. The doctor said we can give her some Infant Motrin and it might work better than the Tylenol, dependent on the baby. So far, it seems to have helped. Poor thing has slept all day because she's been out of pain for the first time in a while. The Motrin is also an anti-inflametory which would help out with her gums. Only time will tell. My little girl is growing so fast. She's up to 14 lbs now on the dot. Growing, growing, growing.