Monday, June 7, 2010


Well, little girl has had her bottom teeth come in and it has been hell on the tyke. Well last night she was just crying, and we thought it was her ears. Well took her into the doctor today and all four top teeth are coming in at once! Poor thing! That's why she was having so much trouble with sleeping. She has NOT slept well at all in the last few days. The doctor said we can give her some Infant Motrin and it might work better than the Tylenol, dependent on the baby. So far, it seems to have helped. Poor thing has slept all day because she's been out of pain for the first time in a while. The Motrin is also an anti-inflametory which would help out with her gums. Only time will tell. My little girl is growing so fast. She's up to 14 lbs now on the dot. Growing, growing, growing.

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