Monday, June 28, 2010

9 Month Check Up

Well, little girls check up didn't go too well. She's growing in length just fine, in fact in length she jumped from the 10th percentile to the 33rd percentile. However in weight, she's actually lost weight. The doctor said it's very likely that it's because she is more active and she told me to actually start feeding her more than normal if she'll take it. She said that it does concern her in the fact that it has took her from the 10th percentile in the premie category to the 5th percentile and we need to get it back up as quickly as we can. I feel just beside myself with worry. I'm going to do everything I can to get her back to where she needs to be. And it's admittedly a bit worse knowing that the doctor is a little worried herself. But she's confident that the increase in calories will do the trick. I just hope she's right.

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