Friday, July 16, 2010

More firsts

My little girl is sitting up all on her own now! I'm so excited. She can go from laying down to sitting up all by herself! Eke! She's making such strides! It's amazing! She's still so little though. Most people look at her and can't believe that she's so alert for her size, but no one realizes she's almost ten months old and still as little as she is. Her pediatrician says she's doing great. She's been eating like a champ too and I think she's back to gaining weight but I'm not sure. It seems like she is though. Her buckles are getting tighter on her height chair. So that's a good thing. She's almost crawling too! She's inch worming. She hasn't gotten the whole concept down of one knee in front of the other, but she's getting there. I can put her down on the floor and she just wiggles around and keeps trying. She's growing up so fast! :-(
It's good that she's growing, but she's going to be off to college before I know it. Time flies. I can't believe she's gonna be a year old in 2 months. Where has it gone?

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