Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So it's been a few days since y last post. But I have to say, so much has changed! She's not only crawling ALL OVER THE PLACE. And this has just started in the last few days that she's really taken to crawling every where. Well today, she was crawling around the living room and she went to the steps that we have leading to the dining room in the house. She showed absolutely NO FEAR, and she crawled up every step leading to the dining room! I was amazed! It was so cool! I was tickled pink! So when her daddy got home, I told him to stand in the doorway of the living room/dining room and set her on the floor, and there she went! She's gotten to the point that she won't even stay on the rug any more. Hard wood or not, she's gone! LoL! She loves it! It's so amazing. I can't believe that in a little over a month and a half she's going to be a year old. So much has changed I can barely remember her being in the hospital. She's got so much fight in her that I look at her and I swear she's gonna be a little scrapper. LoL! School awaits and I absolutely dread every second until that time. I've thought about home schooling so many times, I just hope I can actually go through with it. That would alleviate so much worry. Yeah right. LoL! Oh well. Time will tell I'm sure. Anyway, I was so excited, I just had to share. Eke. My little girl is growing up. So many firsts to come. Time is flying by so fast. I can't believe it.

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