Sunday, August 22, 2010

Learning "No"

My daughter has NO FEAR. She also has absolutely no concept of the word NO. I remember when she was still in the NICU having the convo with my mom about picking and choosing battles and the comment was made that we were going to have to be gentle with her because she's delicate. Yeah well let me tell you, she's a tough little shit and the whole be gentle with her thing has gone completely out the door. You can look at her and tell her no, and I've done it in the most stern tone that I have available and she will look up at me, notice that I've said something, smile and go right back to what she was doing! OMG this child is her father! Bull headed and stubborn as all get out! LoL!

On another note though, boy how the tables have changed when it comes to the dogs. T-man could care less about Squeak, but Symph, she treats her as if she were one of her puppies. Someone walks in and she is instantly between Squeak and whoever it is. Even when her teacher is here, and Symph loves her teacher! But when they're playing, she's all business. She's right in the thick of things making sure that the teacher isn't hurting her. My neighbor came over not to long ago to fix my kitchen lights, he walked around the corner to look at her in her Jenny Jumper and boy Symph just jumped up and let him know that she was there and he was NOT going to let him touch her until I said it was okay. It was so funny. So now she's the front line, and the sneak up and shank ya in the back if you get too close. She's a pretty busy little puppy. LoL! Figuratively speaking anyway. But she's a great advocate. It's nice. Life is good and she is such a happy baby. I'm so blessed!

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