Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Been so long

Wow! I admittedly have no excuse for not blogging in so long. I've had a lot happen in the last two months. I do plan on continuing with my "Dear Chance" letters if I can ever get things to settle down on this end. Whew! Her great grandma passed away shortly after the last blog and the rest of the time has been a blur since. So much has happened with the little'en. She is walking now. She is resentful of crawling actually. She started taking one to two steps then sitting back down, and she didn't want the first person helping her. Well grandma and grandpa came into town for Thanksgiving, grandpa helped her walk across the living room...and the rest, as they say, is history. She's been walking ever since. Bless her little heart. She just runs around here every where! Loves it! She's on to eating straight people food now, all the time. She absolutely loves eggs and she loves chicken. Those are her favorites but she's all about trying things. Her Uncle has gotten her hooked on BBQ chips too. Now THAT one is funny as all get out. Her hair is also long enough now that I can put it in a pony tail on top of her head. She looks like Pebbles from the Flintstones. But at least when her hair is up, her daddy and uncle aren't all about cutting her hair. LoL! And she's talking more and more. Her teacher said that as the walking took hold, her talking would come with her. And I'm so tickled to admit, she is. She's my little person. And she is definitely testing her limits. Whoo doggies! Don't even get me started on that one there! LoL!
Her daddy and I have really gotten into the Christmas spirit this year too! It's so awesome. We debated and debated and finally decided we would put up a tree. So we did that last night. I know, I know. Its not the day after Thanksgiving. But hey, it's up! LoL! We got some lights on the front of the house as well. So exciting. I love it! Ah Christmas. I'm so excited this year!

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