Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wow moment

Okay so I watch the show Teen Mom on MTV. Yes, yes I know, technically I'm "too old" to be watching the show but I can't help it. Well in the last episode, one of the moms with twins has been given some bad news about one of her little girls. And I watch this and I'm in tears. I mean it's really hard for me to watch this and not think about Giggles. It's so easy to take for granted what you have with a healthy baby. My premie could have not even been here. And not only did she make it, she did it without any breathing problems or major scares outside of the MRSA in the NICU. There were so many complications during my pregnancy, I went in for emergency surgery when she was only 3 weeks along, I went in for an emergency c-section when she was born, I mean the list goes on and on. I have been so blessed that she has been relatively healthy. Outside of her weight gain being slow, we've been very lucky. I can only pray that the luck continues with her and that she remains in good standing. She's my whole world. I can't even imagine what this girl is going through with her daughter. I can tell you, as a mother with a premie, I can COMPLETELY understand what it's like to blame yourself for your child/children's possible shortcomings. And it's irrational to do so, and as a mother, you know that, but it doesn't make a difference. You can't help how you feel. I am praying for her family and her little girl and I hope that all turns out alright, and that these things can all be taken care of with therapy. Pray that she stays strong and keeps her faith up, because faith will get you an your family through whatever comes your way, no matter the outcome.

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