Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wow...SO much new stuff!

Where to start! First off, we'll start with Giggle's first theme park visit! That's right! We took her to Lake Winnie in Georgia! It was amazing! As little as she is, there were rides that she could ride, of course, with an adult beside her. So it was me, daddy and her Uncle G. We knew that she was either going to be a roller coaster junkie like me, or she was gonna be scared to death. So we figured we'd put her on a ride first thing, and see what happened.

So, her and daddy rode the Bumble Bee's. Just a little ride that goes around and around and up and down. Nothing major, just your typical kids ride. So they get in, buckled up and the ride starts. To our distinct pleasure, she LOVES it! She thought it was just great! So next, we rode the elephants together. Same concept, just little elephants instead of bumble bees. Again, she loves it. Well at this point, daddy keeps her while Uncle G and I decide to get on the Pirate Ship. One that's not for kids and one that swings back and forth, but you feel like you're gonna fall out at any moment, yeah. Love that one! So once that was done, we rode the Genie which is one of those spinny rides. Lots of good fun. Even though my shorts tried to fall off, and when you're spinning as fast as that ride does, it's not like your body can just come off the wall enough to reach down and pull your breeches back up. :)

Regardless, once we rode that, daddy and Giggles rode the big slide down together, and then it was time to eat. Of course, with my daughter, anything chicken is good for her. Now, it's hot, and the water we have for her is getting warm so daddy buys her a blueberry slushie. Well, let me tell ya, she loved it! Well once we get done eating we go to the other side of the park for some more big kid rides. Of course me being one of those big kids, Uncle G and I ride the only wooden coaster in the park (The name of it escapes me at the moment) and daddy walks around. Well daddy decides to go to the front of the track where we can't see him immediately, so we get on the coaster again, and then daddy shows back up so all was well. Well as the day was winding down, we got her on the Tin Lizzies, the Carousel, then we rode the bumble bees a couple more times and then the last ride of the day, the boat chute. And all of you know it's the little boat that goes around, down a big hill then splashes you at the bottom, right?

She LOVED IT! Well, until she got wet. But she loved trip to the hill, up the hill and back down it! Tee hee! My little girl is a coaster junkie, and I couldn't be more proud! We had more fun that day than we have in a long time. There's just something about going to a theme park with a child that just opens your eyes to a whole new world, beyond the park. The wonder held in that child's eyes. Just amazing.

Then, her second Easter. This one was a lot more fun, because she was aware of different things. Like her first Easter Egg hunt, and her first big Easter basket. She absolutely LOVED the Easter Egg hunting in the living room and I mean she had a ball! Then we took her to Pop-pop and Em-em's. For Easter there, she got her first Tri-cycle! It's a Radio Flyer and so cute! Such a good day for all of us.

She's so amazing! And she gets more and more amazing by the day! She's still not talking, but seems to really be picking up on the sign language. She loves that she can communicate with me and I love that she's picking up on it. Time will tell how long she will need to do it, but honestly, if she'll learn, I'll teach!

Well, that's all for now. Giggles is asleep on my leg and I've got to move both her and myself before my leg falls asleep! Later peeps!

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