Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Vacation and Vocabularies

So lets start with vocabularies. Bug has been in speech for a little while now and boy has it helped. The other day for one, coming down to a point of not even knowing where she even learned this word, we get out of the shower and she goes for a towel. I'm like "Baby, what are you doing?" - Without missing a beat she goes "Mama, I have to get the condensation off of the mirror!" - What!? When did she even...I mean, not only did she say the word clearly, but she used it in the right sense! Then...earlier today (She LOVES Doc McStuffins), she comes up to me and "looks into my eyes" then runs and grabs a piece of paper and a crayon and says "Alright mama. I have your diagnosis!" LMBO! Bless her heart! She's growing up so fast.

Next up, vacation. We made it to grandma and grandpa's house. For her birthday of all things. Sharing a birthday with your grandma is special enough, and actually being able to be with grandma this time around, made it that much better. We had so much fun with this stint away from home. We went bowling, grandpa and daddy took her to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, which let me tell you, was definitely a treat for grandpa, we went swimming, she made a bird house with daddy, mama and grandma got in the water and swam with manatee's, even though she was scared of them, daddy and grandpa were along for the boat ride, we took a little scenic boat ride, and we just all around had a good time. One of Bug's favorite things to talk about while being there was her and grandpa watched Sharknado and Ghost Shark together on television. That was one of the things she talks about more than anything. She got to ride in the golf cart a lot too, which was a total hi-light for her.

She even through the fit of a lifetime, which resulted in me carrying her out of a department store, with her kicking and screaming under my arm like a football. LoL! I'll never forget, there was these little old ladies walking in the parking lot. And Bug was going "Mommy, I don't like this! I don't like you!" and I told her, "You know what, that's okay because I still love you." and one lady looked at me and she goes "Just keep smilin honey. It will get better!" Made my whole day, even with a screaming four year old tucked under my side. It was a most memorable trip, and so good. So good. Hated to leave, but then, it's my mama and daddy. I always hate saying good-bye.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm on my way back to finish Bug's room. We're going through and donating a few (Like 75%) of her toys that she never plays with. She's got so many toys, oh my goodness. And like I explained to her, there are lots of kids out there who don't have any toys. So we're going through and she's helping go through the ones she wants to give to someone else. My baby girl. Gettin all growed up. *Sniffle*

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Visiting Gramma and Grampa

So Bug has been doing really good and even potty training all by her self (Forcing her wasn't working at all). It's been great. Well we've been rewarding her with "monies" which are little dollar bills made just for her out of green construction paper. So today, she's talking to her Mimi and tells her that we're going to visit Grandma and Grandpa soon.

So after she hangs up, all day I hear "I wanna go see Grandpa. I wanna go see Grandma." So finally I had to put a stop to it because we can't go until Daddy gets some time off work. It's kinda a long trip. So I finally tell her that Daddy doesn't have the money yet to go. That seems to placate her for a little while anyway.

So she gets "monies" for using the potty. And we've been really working on it, with big time monies rewards for pooping on the potty. Well today she did. So she collects all of her monies, brings it to me and says "There! Now Daddy has the monies to go to Grandma and Grandpas!" I was like AWE!!!, little tear of love comin down for my little girl. She's so cool.

Anyway, that's about all that's going on here. Nothing major. Talking more and more every day. She starts speech again soon so I'm excited to get going there. But that's about all for now. :) Until later...

Friday, July 19, 2013

First Horseback Ride

So I have this incredible neighbor, who has a couple of horses. We're going riding tomorrow (If all goes well), so tonight we were prepping the horses and the tack. Well Daddy was mowing the lawn, and Ga was asleep, so Bug came with me. Well Daddy made his way over after mowing and helped take care of her as we caught the horses and picked the hooves, getting ready for a ride tomorrow.

Well since Daddy was there, we popped her up on Joe (A Tn Walker) and she got to ride her first horse today. At 3 years old. I was so proud of the little fart I got it all on video and took pictures. She did so good! And Daddy did good too, not freaking out when she was up there. I'm such a proud Mommy!

Honestly, we've been going through a really rough time, including a funeral and some home sickness lately so I realize I haven't posted, but thankfully, a lot hasn't happened to require posting. So on that note...until next time! :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

So awesome!

Ha! My daughter is the bomb! Today she spent the whole day with Daddy and Uncle Ga. The went for breakfast, rode out to the sticks, visited Mimi at home then went grocery shopping. So she'd been gone all day, and after being gone, I couldn't wait to see her. Well a little while later I was doing laundry. So I was folding, then I was putting it away. Well I noticed her go into the bathroom a little while later, no light came on or anything, then she came back out. Well I was back in there a few minutes later and I realized, she grabbed a whole stack of wash cloths, and put them away, trying to help Mommy.

I called her in the bathroom and I was like, "Did you do that?" she nodded, not sure of what she did was right. So I asked then, "Was it to help Mommy?" and she nodded again. I smiled really big and she grinned bigger than I've ever seen and I bent down as she ran to give me a hug. We have the coolest kid in the world! Just sayin. :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just an Update

Bug is doing great! Yes, admittedly, her nickname has become Bug. Not sure how or when that happened, but regardless, that's what it is. LoL! She's passed out asleep right now where we had a great day today. Now that the weather is finally warming up around here, we're able to get outside and play. Today, after walking the property and finding a turkey feather, we saw the neighbors children playing, and went over so she could have a good time with them. Plus it gave me some good girl time. LoL!

Then, we come home and she tells her uncle all about the turkey feather, about petting the horse across the street, and about seeing an airplane. That's been the biggest thing for her lately. I live in a direct path from one military base to another, so there's often military air craft traffic through here. Well the other day, she was helping her daddy in the yard, and these two huge transport helicopters came over head. And they were low enough, that I told Bug to wave at them as they went by. That has been the hilight of her whole month. Everyone she talks to (including the pizza delivery guy), she has told about the helicopters going over. She's so funny.

And oh my gosh I LOVE her personality. Until she starts telling me no. Then, I don't love that part. But I do love the fact that she is ABLE to do it, after wondering for so long if she would even talk. LoL! Today proved just how hard her head was. I was doing dishes, and she insists on helping. So I was picking up some plates, well one of them was wet, where water had dripped from the top rack. So I pick up the plate and it starts to slip. Well I'm trying to keep it from falling and about an inch from her head, it drops.

So I cry out, I'm like "Oh no!" the plate proceeds to hit the top of her head right at the bottom and splits in two, falling to the floor. Here is the conversation that ensues.
Her: Mommy? Okay?
Me: Yes baby, I'm fine. Are you okay?
Her: I fine mommy! Plate broken.
Me: Yes, it's broken, are you sure you're okay?
Her: Yes mommy. (Proceeds to let me look through her hair to make sure there are no glass shards or splinters or anything.) Mommy all done?
Me: Yes baby. All done.
Her: Uh oh. Plate broken.
I shake my head at her completely unphased expression as she just keeps going. Oh my lord I'm in so much trouble! LMAO!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Last Year in Review

Yep. It's that time again, when I go through and remember all of the ups and downs of 2012. We had a lot of firsts this year, and I have a picture that shows how much she's grown. I cry every time I see it, but I think I'll share it. She's still a tiny fart, just barely fitting into 2T clothes now, but the premie onesie I have for her with the knitted booties were too big for her tiny 4 lb 7 oz self when she came home.

A few more of her firsts, she was baptized this Easter at her grandpa's church. It was something that I was amazed as well as honored to have happen at grandma and grandpa's. Grandpa was honored too. It was a great Easter this year. We were able to visit the parents and we were able to spend a great amount of time down there. She had so much fun, going to see the ocean for the first time, playing at the beach, and swimming for the first time. She had a lot of firsts visiting her grandma and grandpa. And she loved every minute of it.

In May, we had our first real conversation, and I can say now that it hasn't stopped. And I couldn't be more tickled about it. And she's saying compound words too. Like today out of the blue she said "Mommy I want a peanut butter sandwich." and it wasn't perfect but I understood it. Other things she's said lately that are intelligible have been things like "Daddy broke my ahee." - "Daddy fix my ahee." - "Daddy fix my choo choo train." - "Where'd my grandpa go?" - "Quiet mommy, I'm talking to my grandpa." on her fake phone, and I mean, the list goes on and on. And I'm amazed that she's getting these compound words and making them understandable. The other day, she was on the phone with her Mimi and Papa and told them that mommy took pictures of a peacock in the back yard with her phone.

She's growing up so fast I can't stand it. She runs through the house now and it's so funny. I remember the house I grew up in. It was 900 sq ft and I remember growing up it was HUGE! In reality, the house that we're in now, that I've been in since I was younger thanks to my dad allowing us to buy it from him is almost twice as big, and is not small by any means, but I realized watching my daughter run down the hallway the other day like it was huge, that perception is everything when you're a kid.

Then we had the thing that every parent goes through, the scissor moment. Oh yes. That made me cry. We finally got her a real hair cut and it breaks my heart every time I brush her hair. LoL! Then for Thanksgiving we had grandma and grandpa up. Well they stayed at a hotel, but they were here every morning before we got up. So after they left, for the next two weeks, I woke up every morning to "Where'd grandpa go? Where'd grandma go?" and then my aunt made it down for Thanksgiving and after she left I had to hear "Where'd Aunt Susie go?" LoL!

She also, poor kid, got her first ear infection this year. It was a double ear infection and if I hadn't taken her to the doctor, I'd never known. It's been a big year of firsts. I can't wait to see what this year brings. With any luck, it'll bring lots of good and lots of giggles. Until then...I'm out peeps!