Monday, July 28, 2014

Wow have I been slacking!

So there is a major reason for the post today, and one that I don't want to ever forget, but I will admit, I have SERIOUSLY been slacking, and I'm sorry. I've had so much going on, with her, and with my own books being published, and my cousin's here, my mom popped in for a surprise visit, been helping my neighbor/second mom with her horses on a pretty regular basis, and keeping up with my house. It gets tiresome, to say the least. LoL!

However, that being said, I had to put down a couple of things that have been happening lately, that I want to remember and to be able to tell her later on down the road. The first, a few months ago, she got a packet of Curious George cards and envelopes set for Christmas I think... Anyway, she decided she wanted to write letters to her Grahmma and Grahmpa for throwing her a b'day party at their place, some 700 miles away. The first card was for Grahmpa and while she was writing it out, she picked out the other one that she wanted for Grahmma. She picked out one with a rainbow. And she said "This one is Grahmma's. She loves rainbows." I sit there for a moment, and I say "How do you know Grahmma loves rainbows?" Now understand, there is a lot of truth to that statement. Not one that she understands or has ever heard, most people haven't, but there's a reason why.

On the day she was born, her Grahmma's b'day, it had been storming and raining all day. Well it finally broke for a while, and Grahmma, was going to meet Grahmpa at a restaurant for her b'day. She was in the golf cart, and had come to a stop light, waiting to turn. When she looked up in the sky, above the stop light, she saw this rainbow. And it was bright and almost as if it had been meant just for her. She glanced at her watch, worried she was going to be late to meet Grahmpa, and for whatever reason, the time, stuck with her. I call her after she's born, and she tells me about the rainbow. It showed up in the sky, at the exact moment Chance was born. The importance of this is the fact that she was born so early, and there was so much question of whether or not she would make it. She was only 30 weeks. Her lungs weren't fully developed, she weighed 2 lbs and 5 oz, there were a lot of things stacked against her. Her Grahmma said, "Honey, she's going to be alright."

A couple of weeks ago, we're out with the neighbor and her dad. He is older, has emphysema I believe, and has a nasal cannula for oxygen that goes with him everywhere. We're in the van, and Chance says "Mommy, I remember having one of those." I scratch my head, and I say "Baby...what?" She did have one of those when she was first born to help her breathe. And she goes "Yeah, remember, when I was a baby. Jesus came to me and told me that I needed that to help me breathe so I could talk when I was older." I once again sat there, mouth hung open, and couldn't really respond.

Today, I was watching Dr. Phil. And I LOVE Dr. Phil. I watch it daily, so does her Grahmma. Well today it's on, and just out of the blue, she goes "Mommy, he looks like God. Only a little different." I say "Baby who? That guy?" She says "No mommy. Dr. Phil." I sit there once again, mouth open. "God? Like God, God. God?" She looks at me as if to say 'Duh' and goes, "Yeah! God! I met him when I was a baby!" - My little girl, is special. She is meant to go places. She is meant to be here. She's my angel.

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