Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another Wellness Check

Okay so yesterday was her 18 month check up with her new doctor. Yes, there's another new pediatrician in the same office. However she's supposed to be on the roster for good so hopefully she will be Squeak's new and permanent doctor. She's really nice and we really like her a lot. She took time to answer questions and is just a great people person. And Squeak's liked her too so that is definitely a plus.
Well, she's no longer even in a percentile for weight. She's gained 2 oz and isn't even 20 lbs yet. So, the doctor has given us more ideas for adding on calories. Carnation Instant Breakfast in her milk, real butter on her potatoes, peanut butter on her bread, the whole nine. So, we're hoping it goes well and we'll find out in a couple of months for a weight check. Ugh.
Anyway, nothing else is new, all is pretty well so far thankfully. Her incisors are coming through, 2 on top and 1 on the bottom. Oh yeah. All at the same time. You can imagine the teething in this house! Wow! But anyway, just wanted to update and let everyone know how she's doing! Until later!

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