Monday, August 22, 2011


Yes, everyone, my 23 month old has chores. She does them when I ask, very diligently I might add. She takes her job very seriously. Right now, her chore, is to help me with the dish washer. She absolutely loves it. We're working on putting the toys away, but right now the big one is the dishes. So, it takes me twice as long to get my job done because she has to pull each dish out one by one, then when she's done with the bottom, since she can't reach the top, I have to take all of the bowls and such and put them on the bottom, so she can keep helping because she will ask "more please" in sign language when she's done with the bottom shelf. But it's so awesome when we're done, to see that sense of accomplishment that comes over her face, is worth the couple of extra minutes that it takes.

Side note, sign language, she's picking up on it really well, and her Speech Therapist is beginning to wonder if she's not talking because she just doesn't have the want to do it. She hasn't found that one thing that's worth it to her, to start talking. And she said to watch out because when she starts, it's most likely going to be in complete sentences. LoL! And we've found in her appointments that she is extremely mechanically inclined and curious. She's going to fit into this bunch perfectly! She's got an uncle that is a mechanic, an uncle that races and fixes cars with her mama and she's got a daddy that works on tractors with her pee-pa and other uncle. Yep, she's gonna be a one of a kind alright. And I couldn't be prouder.

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