Saturday, August 6, 2011


As a kid growing up, and my parents can vouch for this, storms scared the crap out of me. As I got older, and especially now, they fascinate me. So I was worried about my daughter when it came to storms, because we don't exactly reside in the quietest part of the nation, lemme tell ya. So, I started on her early, taking her to the windows to look out when a thunderstorm came through, or laying down when they were bad. I can proudly say now, my daughter is as fascinated by storms as I am. She stands at the window and watches them roll in with me. Or if she's asleep or napping she's out. They rarely if ever wake her up. Boy if my grandma could see us now. LoL! She was always one to watch them roll through too. Now Chance's grandma could care less about a storm unless it's severe. Growing up it used to drive me nuts that mom would be out there grilling steaks during a tornado or watching the funnel develop over the house. Then, what do ya know? I'm the one standing outside watching the funnel, not caring one way or another about the storm unless it's strong and on top of us, or severe. LoL! Like mother like daughter, right ma? LoL!

But I'm so glad she's not scared of them. Her daddy is a worry wart when it comes to storms, and I remember being like that until my dad broke it down like this, plain and simple. If it's your time to go, it's your time to go. If you're in a house and a tornado gets ya, it was meant to be. If you're in a tornado shelter when that tornado hits the house, then you're gonna have a heart attack in that tornado shelter and ya still gonna go. That actually made a bigger impact on me than I thought about actually at the time, but the point was the same. So then, it was just like ah well. LoL! But that's all for now. Watching a storm rumble through here while the baby gazes intently out the window. This is the life. : )

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