Thursday, August 4, 2011

Those Annoying Toys

Okay so everyone that has kids knows that there is one toy that your child loves that just annoys the crap out of you right? Yes well Chance's is an Elephant made by Fisher Price that teaches the parts of the face and has this little thing on it's stomach that you spin and it plays music accordingly. Well a few weeks ago, it died. The batteries needed to be replaced. I wasn't upset that it took as long as it did to replace them. She loved her elephant regardless of whether it played or not. Well a couple of nights ago, daddy replaced the batteries in it. And it worked again. Well today, they died again. So I'm thinking it's more the toy itself than it is the batteries. But time will tell. I'm sure daddy will replace them again, but until that time, she's got a great play toy that she can love on.

Is it bad that I can't say that her toy is dead without smiling?

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