Friday, February 3, 2012

Last Year in Review

Yeah, I know, I'm into the second month of 2012 and I'm just now getting to writing this blog, but it's been crazy. Not bad thankfully, just crazy. So, even though it's late, I'm going to start off by talking about some of Squeak's firsts that took place in 2011. She had a lot better year than I did. LoL!

Her first amusement park happened in April when we went to Lake Winnie in Georgia. It was there that she rode her first Chute ride, her first carousel, her first slide, and her first time driving a Tin Lizzy (with daddy's help of course).

She hit 20 lb's finally! That was a huge accomplishment for her. On those lines, she made her first sentence. (More please). It was in both sign language AND speaking. It's only two words, but her speech therapist and her teacher both said it counts. She learned how to say Mimi and Papa, and she baked her first muffins with the help of mommy and her teacher, and she threw out the bottles and went to sippy cups!

Her second amusement park involved a few firsts of it's own. Her first vacation, her first stay in a hotel (for more than just six hours), first time walking in shoes (she typically refused to put shoes on, she would just walk in her bare feet), and that was because she knew we wouldn't let her walk around the theme park unless her shoes were on her feet.

Random firsts include her first Sunday School class (Which was a rising success, she had a ball), she flew her first kite (My grandma's kite), she got her first haircut, she walked on the grass for the first time (of course bare foot) and she got her first silverware. Needless to say, it was a pretty big year for such a little girl, and she took it all in strides! :)

It only proves just how much and how fast she's growing. :(

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