Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My little girls blankie

Well I'm sure that anyone who has children knows that their child has a blankie, or a binkie, or a stuffed toy that is their security blankie. I still have mine from when I was a baby, and yes, admittedly, I still sleep with it every night. Well I have discovered as of late, that I am my daughters blankie. Yes, that's right. I have to admit, it's a good feeling, knowing that I am her security. Here recently it's been my hair, my hand, my thumb, even my pinkie finger. It's awesome. But I did tell her I wasn't going on her honeymoon with her. LoL! She has a blankie that grandma made that goes with her everywhere too. Maybe that will be her permanent blankie.

Side note, we have started the ever fated battle of potty training. Oh yes. Fun times ahead. NOT! I've barely started and already to throw in the towel. But it's a process and I need to be patient. Lord help me with that one. Sometimes I'm ready to give her to someone who's done it already and tell them to bring her back when she's done training. LoL! My sister told me to stop using pull-ups and to sit her on the pot every 30 minutes. Tried the every half hour thing. Gonna just give up the pull ups tomorrow. Bad part with her, she's so damn little, even the smallest panties are too big for her little butt. Trust me, I'm open to suggestions on that one.

Anyway, done with my rant. Off to spend some time playing. :) Until later homies! Peace out!

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