Monday, February 6, 2012

My Little Shadow

I officially have a shadow. She does everything I do, when I do it. If I have my hoodie on, so does she. If I have my shoes on, so does she. If I'm barefoot, so is she. And right now, she is in her recliner, with her little tyke laptop in her lap, typing away on the keyboard, just like her mommy. Today, she folded her own laundry (very haphazardly) and put it away today when I washed. She's such a big girl I can't believe it! She still doesn't talk, and she has her therapist and teachers completely perplexed because there's no real reason for it. Leave it to me to have a perplexing difficult child. I am one of the most self proclaimed contradictory people in this world. And my daughter, is just like me!

I'm such a proud mommy! :)

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