Saturday, February 27, 2010


Okay so this is just a quick update. Squeaker is doing great. She's doing tremendously well considering she's dealing with a sick mommy. I got her cold and I fought it and fought it but in the caught me. She found her feet the other day. They totally fascinated her. Then she was in her bouncy chair and she sat up all by herself! She hasn't done it since, but she did it once. And she is doing a lot more vocalizing. It's so great! She loves to talk. We're working on forming words. But I realize we have a LONG WAY to go. I'm just so excited! She went to the doctor because of her cold and they ran the RSV test and it came back negative which is SUCH a blessing for her! But on a happy note, she weighed 9lb 15oz neked. I'm so proud of my little Squeaker Butt! She's my whole world. And that world is so good now that she's in it! Not that it was bad before, but she has just brought so much more that I didn't even know existed. Mommyhood is amazing.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MRI results....

Well the results came back. They were great! They see that the birthmark is just a collection of blood vessels like they thought and they are not affecting or encroaching on any of her eye or ear growth! I'm so tickled. They made an appointment for May 5 (Cinco De Mayo...LoL!) for her to see a dermatologist just to make sure it doesn't get worse. But I'm so glad it's nothing to be worried about. Life is good.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First Valentines Day

Well for starters her MRI went great! They had to keep her over night because of her age and them having to sedate her for the procedure. I can officially say that she is doing great! We wont know the results of the MRI until tomorrow, but she is home! For her Valentine's Day, her first ever and she's such a happy little girl. She's so beautiful. I don't know how we did it.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Well my little girl's MRI was scheduled for next Wednesday. They told us in the prelim appointment yesterday that because she's less than 55 weeks since conception, because they are sedating her, she is going to have to spend the night in the hospital and we will be staying there. They are putting us in a room with her which is a fab thing. I'd sleep in a chair just as easily, but a bed will be nicer. :-) They called this morning and said they had a cancellation and that we can do it tomorrow morning instead. Last minute change of plans here. So...we took them up on the offer! I didn't want to have to wait until next week anyway. So, I will write more as soon as I know what the prognosis is. Please keep our little girl in your thoughts and prayers that all of this turns out good.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First fever...

My little girl ran her first fever. It was horrible. It was from the shots that she was given but it lasted from about 10 that night until around 3 yesterday afternoon. And she still didn't feel great. Today is a lot better. She is doing so much better today.

They called this morning about getting her eye imaged. Apparently the doctor talked to the doctors at the hospital and they've decided that she should get an MRI done instead of a CT scan. Well because she's so little, they're going to have to put her under. So NOW, I have to go in and have an appointment with an anesthesiologist, and then get her in for her imaging. Poor thing. I feel so bad that she has to go through this. UGH! It's supposed to be one of the best children hospitals in the state, which is great, I just...I hate that they have to do this to her. She's been through enough in her short 4 months of life. Ya know!? Hopefully after this she will be able to get a reprieve for a bit. Bless her heart.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Doctors Visit

Today was her 4 month check-up. She's doing great! She is 9lb 8oz now and 22in long! I can't believe it! Her pediatrician was very impressed. She's got a spot on her right eye that we had looked at today. It was originally thought it was a bruise from her first tummy time but we've been told that it may be a vascular birth mark that should go away by itself but because it's on her right upper cheek bone, they want to make sure it won't affect her eye. So we're being referred to a pediatric hospital to get an ultrasound/ct scan done and see where we are. I hope all is well and that this will not affect her negatively in any manner. She's crashed out pretty hard right now from her shots bless her heart. But all in all, she is great! I'm so proud of her. She's doing great!