Monday, February 1, 2010

Doctors Visit

Today was her 4 month check-up. She's doing great! She is 9lb 8oz now and 22in long! I can't believe it! Her pediatrician was very impressed. She's got a spot on her right eye that we had looked at today. It was originally thought it was a bruise from her first tummy time but we've been told that it may be a vascular birth mark that should go away by itself but because it's on her right upper cheek bone, they want to make sure it won't affect her eye. So we're being referred to a pediatric hospital to get an ultrasound/ct scan done and see where we are. I hope all is well and that this will not affect her negatively in any manner. She's crashed out pretty hard right now from her shots bless her heart. But all in all, she is great! I'm so proud of her. She's doing great!

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