Saturday, February 27, 2010


Okay so this is just a quick update. Squeaker is doing great. She's doing tremendously well considering she's dealing with a sick mommy. I got her cold and I fought it and fought it but in the caught me. She found her feet the other day. They totally fascinated her. Then she was in her bouncy chair and she sat up all by herself! She hasn't done it since, but she did it once. And she is doing a lot more vocalizing. It's so great! She loves to talk. We're working on forming words. But I realize we have a LONG WAY to go. I'm just so excited! She went to the doctor because of her cold and they ran the RSV test and it came back negative which is SUCH a blessing for her! But on a happy note, she weighed 9lb 15oz neked. I'm so proud of my little Squeaker Butt! She's my whole world. And that world is so good now that she's in it! Not that it was bad before, but she has just brought so much more that I didn't even know existed. Mommyhood is amazing.

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