Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First fever...

My little girl ran her first fever. It was horrible. It was from the shots that she was given but it lasted from about 10 that night until around 3 yesterday afternoon. And she still didn't feel great. Today is a lot better. She is doing so much better today.

They called this morning about getting her eye imaged. Apparently the doctor talked to the doctors at the hospital and they've decided that she should get an MRI done instead of a CT scan. Well because she's so little, they're going to have to put her under. So NOW, I have to go in and have an appointment with an anesthesiologist, and then get her in for her imaging. Poor thing. I feel so bad that she has to go through this. UGH! It's supposed to be one of the best children hospitals in the state, which is great, I just...I hate that they have to do this to her. She's been through enough in her short 4 months of life. Ya know!? Hopefully after this she will be able to get a reprieve for a bit. Bless her heart.

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