Monday, September 13, 2010

She said it!

She said mama! She's said it the last couple of days, intentionally! It's been great! Of course, her teacher comes today and she won't even mumble a word...UNTIL she leaves. Yep! No joke, once her teacher is out the door she starts babbling and doesn't stop. LoL! That's my daughter alright! LoL! Gotta love her!

I can't believe that she's going to be a year old in twelve days. It's so crazy. It's been such a crazy year that has gone by so fast! It's just that hard to believe. She is such a happy baby. And I hear things about other people that have gone through a premie situation completely different from ours. We have been so blessed. She's a fighter! And she's stubborn as a mule! You can tell her no on something and she'll look at you like you're on crack and giggle. Tell her again and she smiles and then stops, then will look at you and do it again, just to see if you're paying attention.

I tell ya, there's nothing better in the world than being a mom. She has enriched our lives so much! I can't believe I almost lost her, I can't believe I was almost too scared to have kids. LoL! Then I think about it, and I can't believe I'm a mom. Ah motherhood.

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