Friday, September 24, 2010

A year ago today

It's funny how fast a year passes. A year ago today was a bad day for my husband. I got up at about 4 that morning and I was cramping really bad. They had no idea what I was cramping from and originally thought it was gas. The nurse had me get up and walk down the hall way to see if it would relieve the pain. I did. I remember getting back to the hospital bed and them checking my blood pressure. From there, it was an absolute blur. I don't remember it myself but apparently my husband and the nurse that was supposed to leave, worked on me from 4:30-9:30 getting my blood pressure to stabilize. They brought in an ultrasound machine and looked at the artery in my hip that was responsible for delivering the blood from my body to the young'un. They took the results to the doctor and I waited. I look back on that time and I wonder how her daddy even made it through.

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