Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Okay so I had a most interesting weekend and it's been a rough last week and a half on my little girl. First off lets start with her teeth. She's had 2 of her top teeth, yes thats right, 2, come in within a week of each other. Second, I had to go out of state for some family problems and I was gone all Labor Day weekend. Well, daddy took over. Poor thing got so used to mama, that having nothing but daddy threw her off. Then her schedule got thrown off even more cuz daddy took her to grandma and grandpas. Which in itself wouldn't have been bad, except they spent the night over there. SO that, needless to say, threw her schedule off even more! There was no doggies, no Uncle G, no noiseless AC. So then she got home, I got home daddy helped out for a day then had to go back to work. So this morning, she was NOT a happy camper when she had daddy for 5 solid days, then didn't have him any more. But she seems to be getting back on track. Bless her heart. She's happy tonight. More familiar surroundings, more familiar schedule, back to the routine. And I am glad she's getting back to herself.

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