Thursday, September 23, 2010

So many things!

Well where do I start? In the last nine days, she has gone from formula to milk, she has started waving, she has started trying to talk more and she has another tooth coming in on the bottom! I can't wait for her teacher to see her!

The formula to milk transition was so easy! She LOVES milk. It's so funny because she will not stop until she finishes the bottle completely and when I give her the milk, honey she tilts that bottle up and drinks like she's never had it before! It's so funny! LoL!

Her teeth, oh my gosh, she struggled with it for four months and now within the last four weeks, she's had three pop through! Poor kid! LoL!

And waving! She's waving now! I'm so excited about that! It's so amazing! She's growing up so fast! She is going to be a year old in two days! I was talking to my husband about that the other night. Where I was one year ago today. Well it was that day that I was talking about, get the point. I was in the hospital. I had been there for a few days and they were monitoring everything because of my gestational diabetes, my toxemia and my blood pressure. My doctor had given me a course of steroids the day before and that day. He had said he'd wanted to run them through just in case she was born early, it would boost her lung development. He had no idea at that time that she would be born a couple of days later, and that decision to run the steroids would save her life.

Wow. It's been a hellova year!

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