Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Learning Vacation

So we finally made it! Down to Florida to visit the parents and let them enjoy little girl. They're having such a good time with her, and of course I'm having a ball just watching, and spending time with my parents. But I've got to tell you what she's learned so far. She's learned how to golf with her own set of clubs that Grampa got her, she learned how to dance and yesterday, she learned how to swim. Well, kind of.

I swear I think they traumatized her in the NICU because before yesterday, she wouldn't get into anything that resembled a bath. But she got in and had a ball! She's such a little big person and I love watching her interact with my parents. My dad just absolutely adores her and so does my mom, but it's funny to look and see some of the same relationship between myself and my Grandpa, as I do in her and hers.

Lord knows she's already getting him to do things that he won't for me. LoL! It was so funny, when we got here, she ran right up to him and gave him a huge hug around his neck. There's still a lot of vacation left, and I can't wait to report back to what she's going to learn before we leave. :)

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