Sunday, April 8, 2012

Baptized on Easter Sunday

We're down visiting the parents and my dad asks us last weekend how we felt about getting Chance dedicated, or baptized. I was all for it and daddy just needed a little reassurance that it wasn't something that would prevent her from being able to do it for herself when she was ready. So we called the preacher, met with him in his office before church this morning and this Easter Sunday, little girl was promised to God.

Dad said it was important to him that it be done and he'd be honoured if we would have it done here. So after a long conversation with the husband, we decided to go ahead. She did great this morning. We went up and the pastor prayed over us then asked three questions. Would God accept the dedication (Well duh, LoL!), would the congregation help us as parents with the raising of her in a Christian home, and would we as the parents, promise to raise her in a Christian home. Of course the answer to all three questions, yes. So she was sprinkled with holy water and baptized this morning. It was so awesome.

We all cried! Me, daddy, gramma and grampa. After it was done she smiled and shook the pastors hand, and the whole congregation laughed and fell in love with her instantly. It is so cool knowing that my daughter, was baptized on Easter Sunday. I feel so good having gotten it done. I have to admit, my dads church is enough to make me uneasy. And not because of the specific branch of Christianity, because I'm used to my church at home, which is a little Church of Christ that holds probably 150 people on a busy day. My dad's church holds 2800 people on a SLOW Sunday. Talk about feeling out of place. LoL! But in the end, today was about her and Jesus/God. Not about me feeling out of place. It was a great day today and I'm so happy to know she's dedicated.

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