Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Well we're back home from our vacation as of Sunday. I'm so sad, and little girl has just been by my side since we got home. Even now, she's sitting beside me on the couch, playing with her dolly. It was a very productive vacation and she learned a lot. Score one more for Grampa for getting her to eat meat with ketchup. Dunno what it is about Grampa but he manages to get her to do things that no one else can, no matter how many times they try. Like last night, she ate a hotdog, for the first time, because of the ketchup. LoL!

We went to Sea World too! That was a lot of fun but I think she was still just a little too young to appreciate what she was seeing. It was really neat at the Shamu show, before it started, they asked for all service members, past and present to stand up with their families. It was really cool that my daddy was able to stand up and be shown on the jumbo screen, brought tears to my eyes, and still does even now when I think about it. I was a little disappointed that the trainers weren't allowed in the tanks with the whales any more, but I understand why. I don't like it, but I get it. It takes some of the magic away to me.

Now that we're home, she's talking a lot more, and I have not been able to keep her off the potty tonight. I've made more trips up stairs to get her a treat for peeing in the potty in the last hour, than I have since we started. Which is good, I don't want to discourage her from using the potty, but holy crap. LoL! Anyway, we're home now. Getting back into the groove of things as it were, and it's taking time, but she seems in a lot better mood and it was definitely good for me! So, until later...Holla!!!

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