Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Steps in the Ocean

Well, little girl took her first trip to the salty sea today. We decided to go to Venice and visit Uncle Ga's dad and step mom and we stopped by the ocean to look for sharks teeth. Needless to say, the sand was about as far as we went. The ocean was so rough at the beach, people were surfing with the sharks near by! It was nuts! And there was so much seaweed rolling in from whatever had the ocean so blasted churned up, it was this dingy brown/black color. But, that being said, little girl had the time of her life. She played around in the sand, built sand castles, and even got in the water, a little bit. We walked on the beach and I got some awesome pictures of her and her daddy holding hands as the waves came up. She was ready to run out there and jump in the water, no qualms about it! LoL! It was so fun to see her like that. Sad note, it was too rough to hunt for sharks teeth. :( I would have so loved to have given her that experience. Maybe it's better this way though. That way when we go back, she'll be a little bit older and can appreciate it more.

She really enjoys Florida! She's loving the golf cart more than anything I think though. LoL! She's all about taking rides, and any time we go anywhere with her, if it's not in the golf cart she's upset about it! LoL! Bless her little heart. And she's made a big friend in Gramma and Grampa's dog Layla. She's a papillon, and like Chance, she's very small for her breed. She weighs in at a whopping 4lb, full grown. She's a funny little dog, and she and Chance really get along. Makes me miss my puppies back home.

Well, enough about that, gotta get things ready for Easter tomorrow and for church. Little girl's getting dedicated tomorrow. Very exciting for me and daddy. On Easter Sunday. :) Plans, plans, plans. Until later!

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