Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 17

It's been a good last few days. She's loved the attention from her grandpa and the holidays went off great. I'm saddened by the fact that her grandma is going back home tomorrow and will not be here any more. But Chance is doing great. She smiled the other day while dreaming and I found she has the cutest dimples in her cheeks. Grandma is going to let us keep the camera until we go down on vacation in a few months. With any luck we will be able to get a camera of our own before then. Squeaker is growing more and more every day and she's staying awake more and more. The breastfeeding is going...but it's not completely connected there. It's a trial and error and we're working on it. She's still waking up every 3-4 hours for food but that's okay. She's still doing great. She's definitely growing which is so great. I'm so tickled. I am so excited about showing her things and teaching her traditions. I have been so busy this holiday season that I've hardly had time to e-mail, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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